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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyMar Mayo 14, 2013 1:48 pm por UnderWater

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyLun Mayo 13, 2013 7:25 pm por JOSE QUINTERO

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyLun Mayo 13, 2013 6:53 pm por JOSE QUINTERO

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyLun Mayo 13, 2013 6:49 pm por JOSE QUINTERO

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyLun Mayo 13, 2013 6:28 pm por JOSE QUINTERO

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyLun Mayo 13, 2013 8:48 am por LIPECOMERIO

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyDom Mar 31, 2013 6:27 pm por angelito

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyMar Feb 12, 2013 6:29 pm por Caiman

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptyMar Feb 12, 2013 5:56 pm por Caiman

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... EmptySáb Oct 06, 2012 7:55 pm por jldavis

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por luisdragon Miér Jul 07, 2010 3:17 pm

Vi este pez en un nano tank y queria mostrarselos Very Happy

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Barboides gracilis "Dwarf Amber Barb"


Native to coastal West and Central Africa where its range extends southeastwards from Benin through Nigeria and Cameroon as far as Equatorial Guinea.

Inhabits typical slow-moving, shallow, shady rainforest streams and swamps with dense marginal vegetation. The water is typically quite clear but stained weakly brown as a result of the low dissolved nutrient concentration and presence of tannins and other chemicals released by decomposing vegetative matter. The latter enter either via runoff from the surrounding forest or are leached from the fallen leaves, twigs and branches which invariably litter the substrate.

Maximum Standard Length
The biggest officially-recorded specimen measured just 0.7"/1.8cm.

Minimum Tank Size
A group can be housed and will breed in a tank with dimensions of only 12" x 8" x 8"/30cm x 20cm x 20cm/12.5 litres although water quality may become an issue unless strictly monitored. We think something measuring around 18" x 10" x 10"/45cm x 20cm x 20cm/29.5 litres or more is preferable for long-term care.

Tank Setup
Best kept in a well-furnished tank and is an excellent choice for the carefully-aquascaped set-up as it will not harm plants. Filtration does not need to be particularly strong as it mostly hails from sluggish waters and may struggle if there is a fast current. To see it at its best a biotope-style set-up can also make an interesting project. A soft, sandy substrate is probably the best choice to which can be added a few driftwood roots and branches, placed in such a way that plenty of shady spots are formed. If you can't find driftwood of the desired shape common beech or oak is safe to use if thoroughly dried and stripped of bark.

The addition of dried leaf litter (beech, oak or Ketapang almond leaves are all suitable; we like to use a mixture of all three) would further emphasise the natural feel and as well as offering even more cover for the fish brings with it the growth of microbe colonies as decomposition occurs. These tiny creatures can provide a valuable secondary food source for fry whilst the tannins and other chemicals released by the decaying leaves are thought to be beneficial for rainforest fish species. Leaves can be left in the tank to break down fully or removed and replaced every few weeks.

Fairly dim lighting should be used to simulate the conditions the fish would encounter in nature. You could add some aquatic plants that can survive under such conditions such as Microsorum pteropus, Vesicularia dubyana or Anubias spp., and a few patches of floating vegetation would be really useful to diffuse the light entering the tank too. Note that this fish should not be added to a biologically immature tank as it can be susceptible to swings in water chemistry and a regime of regular, small (10% or less of tank volume) water changes is recommended in order to minimise stress.

70 - 79°F/21 - 26°C.

pH Range
Does best in slightly acidic to neutral water within the range 6.0 - 7.0.

0 - 6°H

Presumably feeds on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae and other zooplankton in nature. It can be a little picky in the aquarium and may not accept dried foods although in some cases will learn to take them over time. At any rate it should always be offered regular meals of small live or frozen fare such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal, micro and chopped bloodworm in order to develop ideal colour and conditioning. Newly-imported specimens are often in poor condition and can be difficult to acclimatise to aquarium life. Small live foods are therefore recommended as an initial diet, with dry and frozen products being introduced as the fish become settled.

It is very peaceful but does not make an ideal community fish due to its small size and rather timid nature. Keep it alone or with other diminutive species from West Africa such as Ladigesia roloffi or Lepidarchus adonis. If geography is not an issue we suspect it will also thrive alongside small South American characins such as Nannostomus anduzei, N. mortenthaleri , Paracheirodon simulans , Hyphessobrycon amandae or members of Boraras, Eirmotus and Trigonostigma from Southeast Asia.

It is a schooling species by nature and ideally should be kept in a group of at least 20-30 specimens. Maintaining it in decent numbers will not only make the fish less nervous but will result in a more effective, natural-looking display. Males will also display their best colours and some interesting behaviour as they compete with one other for female attention.

Sexual Dimorphism
Mature males are slightly more intense in body colour and noticeably slimmer than females; these differences being more apparent when the fish are in spawning condition.


This species is still very rare in the hobby although it has built up something of a cult following among enthusiasts of planted 'nano' aquaria and you may see it on sale under the trade names of 'dwarf amber/ember barb'. Its small adult size evolved via a process known as miniaturisation characterised by sexually mature adults with a significantly reduced size of less than 20mm SL. Among bony fishes cyprinids are one of the few groups in which this phenomenon occurs repeatedly with all Barboides, Danionella, Microdevario, Microrasbora, Horadandia, Boraras, Paedocypris, Sawbwa and Sundadanio species representing miniaturised taxa along with a few members of Danio, Laubuca and Rasbora. All show a preference for still or slow-moving waters, often in nutrient-poor habitats such as forest peat swamps.

The anatomical structure of miniaturised cyprinids can vary greatly; there are two principle 'groupings' with some species possessing intermediate features to some degree. The first contains those fishes which though small are essentially proportionally dwarfed versions of their larger relatives e.g. Barboides, Microdevario, Microrasbora, Horadandia, Boraras, Sawbwa, Sundadanio, Danio, Laubuca and Rasbora.

The other includes those in which anatomical development stops at a point where adult still resemble a larval form of their larger ancestor i.e. Danionella and Paedocypris. The latter are usually referred to as 'developmentally truncated' or 'paedomorphic' and are thought to have evolved via a process known as 'progenetic paedomorphosis' i.e. paedomorphosis brought about by accelerated maturation. They typically exhibit a simplified skeletal structure along with species-specific morphological peculiarities such as the tooth-like projections in male Danionella dracula . Britz et al. (2009) consider that developmental truncation may have facilitated the development of such novelties "by freeing large parts of the skeleton from developmental constraints, dissociating developmentally linked pathways and creating a greater potential for more dramatic changes".
Acuarista de por vida
Acuarista de por vida

Cantidad de envíos : 627
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2010
Localización : Canovanas

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por aprendiz Miér Jul 07, 2010 10:26 pm

oye me gusta se ve bien para mi cubo...!!!
Acuarismo en las venas
Acuarismo en las venas

Cantidad de envíos : 272
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2010
Localización : Bayamon

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por luisdragon Miér Jul 07, 2010 10:49 pm

Por su tama~no lo usan mucho en nanos pero lei que este pez era un poco raro en el hobby
Acuarista de por vida
Acuarista de por vida

Cantidad de envíos : 627
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2010
Localización : Canovanas

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por aprendiz Miér Jul 07, 2010 10:50 pm

aha bueno pues habria que conocerlo mas... study
Acuarismo en las venas
Acuarismo en las venas

Cantidad de envíos : 272
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2010
Localización : Bayamon

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por luisdragon Miér Jul 07, 2010 10:54 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

Aqui Oliver Knott lo utiliza en uno de sus projects
Acuarista de por vida
Acuarista de por vida

Cantidad de envíos : 627
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2010
Localización : Canovanas

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por aprendiz Miér Jul 07, 2010 10:58 pm

umm... que bn se ve, de todas maneras esta cool.
Acuarismo en las venas
Acuarismo en las venas

Cantidad de envíos : 272
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2010
Localización : Bayamon

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por APPR Admin Jue Jul 08, 2010 10:19 am

ese pez se ve nitido.
APPR Admin
APPR Admin
Acuarista semi-Guru
Acuarista semi-Guru

Cantidad de envíos : 2160
Fecha de inscripción : 15/07/2009
Edad : 35
Localización : Comerio

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por BRIONEUX Vie Jul 09, 2010 3:24 am

se ve ideal para una nano de poco caudal de agua,pero para que conviva en una pecera grande,como que no me luce podria ser absorvido por el filtro o de comida para otra especie mayor.CREO???

Última edición por brioneux el Vie Jul 09, 2010 10:16 am, editado 1 vez
Acuarista de por vida
Acuarista de por vida

Cantidad de envíos : 753
Fecha de inscripción : 11/02/2010
Edad : 55
Localización : Toa Alta

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por Victor Vie Jul 09, 2010 9:13 am

cualquier otra espeie lo puede ver como comida y lo atacan
Acuarista de por vida
Acuarista de por vida

Cantidad de envíos : 414
Fecha de inscripción : 03/12/2009
Edad : 29
Localización : Las Piedras

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

Mensaje por elpollo Vie Jul 09, 2010 8:59 pm

hasta se lo papean como bacalao...

Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 03/07/2010

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Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb... Empty Re: Barboides gracilis, Africa's smallest barb...

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